Stephen M. Harber is a founding partner at McCune & Harber, LLP. Steve defends private and public entities in employment cases, including cases involving discrimination, harassment, and wage and hour disputes, and has extensive experience in defending premises liability actions, wrongful death cases and major injuries. He has been designated a Southern California “Super Lawyer.” He has several landmark appellate published decisions in the field of employment, public entity claims and supervision cases.
Illustrative Professional Experience
Trial counsel in employment cases involving sexual harassment, discrimination and retaliation.
Trial counsel for Fortune 500 companies involving assault and battery, premises liability and products liability.
Counsel to various companies providing opinions and recommendations,including pre-litigation opinions, involving human resource matters and potential employment litigation.
Trial counsel in various cases representing public entities, including premises liability, brain injury cases, racial harassment, dangerous condition and vehicular matters.
Southern California “Super Lawyer”.
Significant Published Opinions
Sistare-Meyer v. YMCA, 58 Cal.App.4th 10; Randas v. YMCA, 17 Cal.App.4th 158;
City of Ontario v. Sup. Ct., 12 Cal.App.4th 894;
C.A. v. William S. Hart Union High Sch. Dist., 189 Cal.App.4th 1166
Professional Activities
Board of Directors – Childcare International Board Member – Maranatha High School
Arbitrator and Judge Pro Tempore (Los Angeles County/Orange County)
Author of “Releases Reconsidered” – The Verdict Association of Southern California Defense Counsel
Lecturer and panelist – various litigation topics throughout the country involving premises liability, employment matters and discrimination
Education and Admissions
Bachelor of Science, University of Southern California, 1981
Juris Doctor, McGeorge School of Law — University of the Pacific, 1985
Pacific Law Journal, Law Review
Moot Court Honors Board
United States District Court – Northern, Central, Eastern and Southern Districts of California
Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
Stephen M. Harber, Esq.

(213) 689-2500

Legal Assistant
Melissa Alvarez malvarez@mccuneharber.com